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When you click on your character, you are greeted by a menu on your right: <b>Character Information ________________ / \ ~Path: What path you belong to. | (path) (name) | ~Name: Your name. | Title:----------| ~Title: This is your title. | Clan: -----------| ~Clan: This shows what clan you are in. | C.T.: ----------|~C.T.:This shows your title in your clan. | \O/ E | ~E: Exchange off/on.* This function | Y G | allows others to exchange with you. | _/ \_ | Click on it to disable/enable. |------------------- ~G: Group off/on.* This function |w: weapon | allows others to group you. Click on it |a: armor | to change group off/on status. |l: LHand | |r: RHand | |[: Script | <-- LHand Subaccessory |]: Script2 |<--- RHand Subaccessory \________________ / ~w, a, l, r, Script1, Script 2: These are your equipped items. *To equip something, double click the item in your inventory (i) or type 'w' or 'u' and then the letter of the item in your inventory. *By pressing <page down> or -> you will view your equipped items in equipment slots. *And by pressing <page down> or -> again you will access your character's profile. You can design your own profile by pressing Menu -> Profile. *<page down> or -> again and you will see your legend. ------------------------------------------------- <b>Spell Status Box --> Directly below your Character information is a 'spell status box.' This box informs you of what spells are cast on you and the duration until the spell expires. Separated by dashes, a timer is shown on spells that have a "wait time" or "aethers" until it can be cast again. ------------------------------------------------- <b> Status Screen Press 's' and you will see your equiped armor screen again, but when you press <page down> or the -> arrow this time, you will view your character's "status screen": _______________ / \ |(Clan) _____ | |(C.T.) ______ |Nation: Your home (Kingdom or Neutral) | |Totem: The totem guardian you are allied |Nation Totem | with. You will receive crafting and |Partner | exp benefits during your "totem time" | |Partner: Name of your spouse or |MGT GRC WIL| blood brother/sister |AC -- | <-- |Damage Hit | <-- See below |Next Level | <-- |Max Vita | <-- |Max Mana | <-- \________________/ *Might (MGT) - Your strength; increases as you level. Some weapons require a certain amount of strength in order to use it. *Grace (GRC) - Your ability to dodge an attack; increases as you level *Will (WIL) - Your ability to focus your magic attack with less failure; increases as you level. *AC: Your current Armor class. The lower the better because you will take less damage. *DAM: Your Damage level. This goes up as you level. *HIT: Your Hit level. This goes up as you level. *NEXT LEVL: How much experience left before your next level ("insight"). The maximum level is 99. Afterwards you will trade in experience for more vita, mana, grace, will, and/or might. *VITA: How much Vitality you have; 0 means you died. *MANA: How much Mana you have. When you have 0, you can't cast spells. Original 4.0 edition by AnglerFish Edited and Updated 5.0/6.0 edition by Maiyu | |